We're going green... "house"!
This is so exciting!! We made the decision to take the plunge and build our own greenhouse! It should be plenty of room for us to start growing our own seedlings in house (ahem- no pun intended) so we can provide extra special plants, care and reliability to our customers.

Eventually, once it's finished, we'll have water and electricity and all the fancy schmancy greenhouse accessories to make it really shine.

We're already a bit behind on a few of the cruciferous seedlings, so we have to try to finish by next week. Not to mention, before our exhibition at the Collin Co. Home & Garden Show...
Did I mention that we got a mention? Kinda cool- we got a spotlight on their home page. Check it out here!
This is our first real construction project, so please don't look too close. We'll be sure to show you guys a picture when it's all said and done ripe. ;)